Preparation of Dense Tungsten Block by SPS and Effect of TaC on Densification of Sintered Tungsten
马明亮, 沈卫平, 王青云, 张庆玲
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作者单位:(北京科技大学 核材料研究所 特种陶瓷粉末冶金研究室, 北京 100083)
中文关键字:钨; 放电等离子烧结; 碳化钽; 活化烧结
英文关键字:tungsten (W); SPS; TaC; active sintering
英文摘要:Dense tungsten block was successfully prepared by a spark plasma sintering process. The highest relative density of pure tungsten block is 96.4%, and that of tungsten block with TaC is 98.6%. The effects of particle size of tungsten powders and TaC quantity on densification and grain size were investigated. The results show that the smaller the particle size of tungsten powders, the lower the density and the smaller the grain size of the sintered tungsten block. The added TaC and activate sintering and refine grain size in sintered tungsten block. The sintering shrinkage curves of tungsten powders with different particle size have different trends.