Influence of Quenching Water Temperature on Mechanical Property of High Strength Cast Al-Cu-Mn Alloy
张晓敏1, 毛 健1, 车 云2,3, 张中可3,4
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作者单位:(1.四川大学 材料科学与工程学院, 四川 成都 610064; 2.贵州铝厂, 贵州 贵阳 550014; 3. 贵州省铝材料工程技术研究中心, 贵州 贵阳 550014; 4. 贵州科学院, 贵州 贵阳550001)
中文关键字:Al-Cu-Mn铸造铝合金; 淬火水温; 拉伸强度; 伸长率; 微观组织
英文关键字:Al-Cu-Mn casting alloy; quenching water temperature; tensile strength; elongation; microstructure
中文摘要:研究了淬火水温对Al-Cu-Mn高强铸造铝合金时效处理后拉伸强度和伸长率的影响,并分析其微观组织结构。结果表明:60 ℃水温淬火可以获得实验中最高的拉伸强度和最大的伸长率。其原因在于淬火水温不同,时效处理后试样的微观组织结构有所不同。在30 、40 ℃较低温度淬火,冷却速率高导致了淬火裂纹和晶界模糊;在100 ℃水温淬火,冷却速率慢,在晶界析出较多条状物且晶粒尺寸增大,晶内二次T相偏聚。而在60 ℃水温淬火试样获得了有利于提高强度和伸长率的微观组织结构。
英文摘要:The influences of quenching water temperature on the tensile strength and elongation of high strength cast Al-Cu-Mn alloy after aging treatment were investigated, and its microstructure was also analyzed. The results show that, when the water temperature is 60 ℃, the highest tensile strength and elongation value can be gained. The reason can be attributable to the different microstructure of samples quenched under different temperature water. The quenching treatment in 30 ℃ or 40 ℃ water leads to bad microstructure such as quenching cracks, fuzzy grain boundary and so on. While, the quenching treatment at 100 ℃ water leads to larger grain particles, block precipitations on the grain boundary and segregation of the second T phase in the grain. However, the quenching treatment in 60 ℃ water can gain the microstucture in favor of improving the tensile strength and elongation of Al-Cu-Mn cast alloy .