Influence of Induction Plasma Parameter on Preparation of Spherical Tungsten Nano-powders
刘晓平1, 陈 进2
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作者单位:1. 西安建筑科技大学 冶金工程学院, 陕西 西安 710055; 2. 西安科技大学 材料科学与工程学院, 陕西 西安 710054
中文关键字:等离子体工艺参数; 纳米钨粉; 球化; 细化
英文关键字:plasma parameters; tungsten nano-powder; spheroidization; refinement
中文摘要:利用感应等离子设备,实现了钨粉的球化、细化和致密化,制备出球形纳米钨粉,同时研究了感应等离子工艺参数对处理后钨粉形貌和粒度的影响。结果表明,等离子体处理后产品形状由不规则变为球形,颗粒平均粒径大大降低,振实密度明显提高。得出制备纳米球形钨粉的最佳工艺参数为等离子功率65 kW,等离子体中部送粉,等离子气氛中边气成分为Ar (2.8 m3/h) + H2(0.8 m3/h) 。
英文摘要:The spheroidization, refinement and densification of tungsten powder were realized using induction plasma system. Spherical tungsten nano-powders was obtained, and the influences of induction plasma parameters on the shape and size of the product were studied. The results show that the spherical tungsten nano-powders can be obtained from irregular powder. The tap density is enhanced after process in induction plasma, and the average size reduces obviously. The optimal parameters to prepare spherical tungsten nano-powders are at plasma power of 65 kW, feeding powders in middle position of plasma, and sheath gas of plasma: Ar (2.8 m3/h) + H2(0.8 m3/h).