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中文关键字:新型高强度铝合金; 预变形; 显微组织; 力学性能
英文关键字:new-high strength Aluminium-copper alloy; plastic deformation; microstructure; mechanical property
中文摘要:本实验研究了时效前预拉伸形变程度对新型高强度铝铜合金组织和性能的影响 ,分别采用了1%,3%,5%,7%,9%,五个不同的预形变度进行拉伸形变实验,后对预形变试棒进行时效处理,再对其试棒进行拉伸和金相断口扫描观察,实验结果分析表明,随着变形度的增加,则其合金的强度缓慢增加,塑性缓慢下降,变形量为5%合金的强度为460MPa,其塑性达到δ=3%为较好的强塑性匹配,主要是因为预变形促进了基体中弥散强化相的析出,使组织中的析出相均匀分布。
英文摘要: The influence of plastic deformation before aging on mechanical properties of a new high strength Aluminium-copper alloy has been researched . Five different deformation ratios (1%,3%,5%,7%,9%) were done. A series of the samples were investigated by tensile test and SEM .the result shows that with the increase of the deformation ratios ,the tensile strength raises ,but the elongation reduces. On the condition of the 5% plastic deformation ,the tensile strength reaches 460Mpa, and the elongation δ5 is the 3 percent. It is theoptimum technology system with which the alloy is able to get a higher tensile strength with a sufficient elongation .The explanation for the phenomenon above is that the plastic deformation promotes dispersion strengthening phase to precipitate sufficiently in matrix and to make the microstructure finer and more homogenous.